UWOF Annual Conference - Call for Innovation
23 and We Poster Contest
Is your United Way up for a little competition? During the Conference, we are putting a microscope on the similarities within our network (shared DNA) but also the uniqueness that allows us to address our diverse communities. To do so, We are counting on you to share innovative ideas that are easy to implement and scalable. To up the ante, we are making this a competition, where voting, recognition and prizes are absolutely involved.
Our Conference Innovation Stations will showcase ideas, which can be for resource development, special events, marketing campaigns, community impact, operations, etc. Are you doing something unique or on a shoestring budget? Did you have success you didn’t expect? LUWs can have multiple entries, any number in any, or all, categories. The only limit is one idea per standard-size poster (22x28).
Planning to enter a poster? Please email Beth Meredith (beth@uwof.org) by June 15 to let us know, so we can secure the appropriate amount of display space.
What is not required: artistic or graphic design skills.
What is required: creative solutions to challenges. **Posters due at Conference check-in on June 20.**
Here’s what should be included on each poster:
- Basic overview - the why and how, target audience and goal.
- Need-to-Know Details - time commitment, basic budget, what made it successful.
- Identify your LUW and provide contact information.
- One idea per standard-size poster (22x28).
- Poster Board can be a little smaller or larger, but should not be foam core.
Implementing creative ideas are hard. Sharing is easy. Attached is a simple example to show nothing complicated is necessary. Posters will be displayed throughout the Conference. Thursday afternoon there is unstructured time labeled Innovation Stations on the schedule for attendees to ask questions of submitting LUWs and, of course, vote on favorites. Results will be announced as the Conference wraps up at the time of our closing speaker.